Tim Prosser

Anyone that creates a website purely about themselves must be an egocentric maniac right?

Well, no.
I’m Tim Prosser. I’ve created this site to introduce myself, not because I think I’m amazing but because as someone involved in politics I decided to do it before someone else did.

I’d like the site to be educational and informal and as such not to follow the usual corporate format of a politician. I will endeavour to avoid pictures of me smiling pointing at things and to update the site in a timely manner.

I am a Founder Member, Treasurer, City Councillor and Group Leader for Reform Derby

Reform Derby Logo

I stood in 2019 for The BREXIT PARTY

Brexit Party Candidate Launch 2019

I’m a self employed business man

I was working when I took this picture. with the tide in this seaweed is under 10m of water and you can only reach this spot on a spring tide.