
Do the Tories actually want to run the council?

The council is undergoing a boundary review and a proposal has been made that the wards be redrawn in a way that grossly favours The Labour Party. The change could see the Labour Party gain at least 4 seats and take control of the council. the council is recommending that no argument be made against the change. Anyone would think that the Conservative party don’t want to be in power. With the state of the finances and services at the moment, maybe that’s true.


Money Money Money

The future capital spending of the council over three years was presented in a document last year and totaled £470 million. It was hard to see where the money was going. at a recent cabinet meeting further projects were announced including building a luxury hotel at a great loss to the city to draw in business and building a new theatre, again at great cost. the total borrowing will add around 4% to council tax just to keep up with the debt payments. One of our best luxury hotels currently houses economic migrants who I understand have not entered the country legally, ie they are not Ukrainian refugees etc. and building a new theater will benefit a few people in the city who are mostly well off. If we spent that kind of money on infrastructure, road repairs, cycle lanes and public transport then we would all benefit greatly and the whole city would be transformed. It’s all about priorities.


Forest of the Future

£163,000 for this? To clarify, most Councillors are not consulted or asked about such schemes, we get no say. the decision rests entirely with the cabinet. I expected new benches, features and larger trees. It will add to a park afterwards but what a very expensive way to do it.